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Professor Story

Teaching with the Social Media Magnet During the COVID-19 Quarantine

It was Friday, March 6th, 2020, and I was saying goodbye to my students for the week, as next week was Spring Break.  They were telling me where they were going for the break, including home, NYC, and to the beach.  My family and I had a travel club soccer

Commit and Receive Access to Our Full Professor Library of Resources

Professors – Below are screen shots from our Professor Library, which is our one-stop shop for all of the instructor’s resources that you will need for teaching The Social Media Magnet.  Just like on the student side of our courseware, the Professor Library contains a Table of Contents (demonstrated below)
Live Stories

Student Morgan Stevenson Feels SMM Certification is a Big Advantage in Interviews

  “The Social Media Magnet was by far the most applicable class I’ve taken in college, especially in conjunction with my internships and the career path I’ve decided to pursue. Not only did running my own website and blog give me credentials that set me apart in the interview process,

Email Specialist: Cater2.me

In the live practicum aspect of the Social Media Magnet curriculum, students learn the process of developing email lists and sending out weekly emails with our 2+2+2 rule. We incorporate this into the practicum because we believe it is a vital marketing skill as it allows our students the chance