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Gain Access to Webinar with Free Professor Preview

The webinar you gain access to as a Professor in Preview. The Social Media Magnet is a full curriculum, courseware, and practicum package that allows professors to teach social media marketing to their students for free, at a cost lower than an average textbook for students. As a Social Media

Consistent Brand Voice Proves Successful in Staying Strong Amidst Pandemic

While many businesses have taken a hit due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some have been able to take a hold of the situation and actually use it to their advantage. Popular British fast fashion brand, Boohoo, has been able to do this by simply staying true to their brand voice.
Live Stories

Student Story: Madeline Rains

Social Media Marketing has been one of my favorite classes that I’ve taken during my time at Belmont. I took the class to learn skill sets that I know my future employers will be looking for, and the Social Media Magnet did not disappoint. Through lectures and our semester-long project,

Email Specialist: Cater2.me

In the live practicum aspect of the Social Media Magnet curriculum, students learn the process of developing email lists and sending out weekly emails with our 2+2+2 rule. We incorporate this into the practicum because we believe it is a vital marketing skill as it allows our students the chance