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Has the GateKeeper Changed from Influencer to Curator?

A 2019 article on Medium.com discusses the problem with influencers and the promise of curators. Mike Raab claims that the problem with influencers is that they are not authentic, while curators are first and foremost unbiased, unaffiliated, and genuine in their recommendations. Would you agree that the digital marketing dynamic
Live Projects

Mia and Me: Class Takeaways

In the fall of 2018, Mia and Me, was one of the top projects in her class. She recaps some of her class takeaways below: Sticking to an editorial calendar is crucial for staying on brand. Consistent updates/emails to your followers will keep you relevant and top of mind. It
Live Projects

Student Practicum: RainsorShine

For her project, Madeline created a lifestyle blog named Rains or Shine.  It included her favorite recipes, wellness tips, and fashion style.  In her final report, students are required to create a SWOT analysis, self-analyzing what their internal strengths and weaknesses were, along with providing what they could see as
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Social Media Magnet Skills Land Jacqueline a Social Media Specialist Position

I took Social Media Marketing the fall semester of my senior year. I went into the class with a bit of social media experience, but only what I had taught myself. I had previously managed and created social media content for companies, organizations, and myself, but it was a completely