Live Projects

Student Practicum: Kate Collected

  “Coming into this course, I thought I had a good basis of understanding as to how audiences and people interact on social media. Turns out I didn’t. I knew how my immediate circle interacted with blogs and content through social, but we were not the norm. I knew I
Live Projects

Student Practicum: Your College Cookbook

  I am a senior college athlete, running for our cross country team at Belmont University.  Because I love and required to live healthy, for my social media campaign, I decided to blog on the topic of cooking for college students. I named the site “Your College Cookbook.” When entering this
Live Projects

Student Practicum: The Charitable Connection

Last summer, Chase Ballard interned at a local health insurance brokerage. Their marketing team was divided into two divisions; inbound and outbound. Chase was a sales rep, so he was on the outbound team. But deep down, he was always very interested in what the inbound team was doing. They
Live Projects

Student Practicum: RainsorShine

For her project, Madeline created a lifestyle blog named Rains or Shine.  It included her favorite recipes, wellness tips, and fashion style.  In her final report, students are required to create a SWOT analysis, self-analyzing what their internal strengths and weaknesses were, along with providing what they could see as
Live Projects

The Chosen Girl: Great Content Drives Pageviews

When Tailah began her experience with The Social Media Magnet, she had a tumblr blog but in her mind she always wanted more.  She had the dream of building a fully functional website, to create a brand, and she wanted it to be aesthetically beautiful.  When she signed up for
Live Projects

Simple But Good: It’s All About the Photos

These are the top three most popular blog posts, and as you can see, my audience loved carbs! The first recipe I ever posted (guacamole) was the most successful of all, and is my 3rd most visited page on my site (next to the home page and my email sign-up