The Social Media Magnet is a full curriculum, courseware, and practicum package that allows professors to teach social media marketing to their students for free, at a cost lower than an average textbook for students. As a Social Media Magnet professor, you have access to a full professor library with countless resources that helps you teach the curriculum and assist your students in anyways they need.
If you are interested in learning more about our curriculum, courseware, and practicum, then request our free professor preview. Professor Preview allows you to take a glimpse at the courseware, practicum, curriculum, and resources available to you as a full Social Media Magnet Professor.
In our Professor Library Preview, you gain access to a 28-minute webinar. The webinar takes you through what the full Professor Library includes, the table of contents in the Social Media Magnet courseware, what the practicum entails and teaches, the grading software available for professors, and even our student certification program.
Once you have requested and gained your free professor preview with login information, you can access the 28-minute webinar here.