Teach a Curriculum With Step-by-Step Instructions

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Preview our Social Media Magnet Instruction Guides with your Professor Preview today.

Our curriculum is taught to students through levels where essentially each level functions as a unit of corresponding lessons that students must fully grasp before moving onto the next level. While this system ensures that students are fully comprehending concepts in the order needed to be successful, it also comes with benefits for the professors that teach the lessons in each of these levels.

As a Social Media Magnet Professor, part of your Resource Library includes an instruction guide to each of these levels. The instruction guide for each of these levels includes everything from  PDF printouts of the textbook chapters covered in that level, PowerPoints available for use in lectures, and professor reference guides to the assignments related to that level.

To view all that the Instruction Guide offers to our Social Media Magnet professors, sign up for our free Professor Preview to view the comprehensive list. Once you have requested your Professor Preview and gained your log-in credentials, the instruction guide can be visited here.

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